WinterCreek Restoration & Nursery

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Choosing Native Plants survey

The use of native plants in landscapes is a choice people make for a variety of reasons. But the native plant nursery industry is beginning to question the market value of some characteristics unique to native plants — like variability in size or shape, or the inconsistencies in flower color, or regional differences in seasonality. There is a small movement to provide native plants with consistency in characteristics such as flower size or color, or drought tolerance by selecting individual plants displaying desirable characteristics for propagation.

This brief survey is intended to gain some understanding of customers concerns and preferences when choosing to purchase native plants for their landscapes. All responses will remain anonymous. Results will be summarized and presented in this blog, and may be used in research publications or conference presentations. Thank you for helping with this effort!

Rick Martinson

(You’ll need to copy and paste the address in a browser to open it. I can’t figure out how to make it a hotlink in this format… )